Research Act​ivities

Review of Public Private Pa​rtnerships for delivering Maternal and Newborn Health Services: Strategic Impact and Gaps

Shehla​ Zaidi​, Rehana Salam, Zulfiqar Bhutta, Shahid Ansari, Syeda Subika Rizvi

This study aimed to systematically review global evidence on effectiveness of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) on Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH) and comparative edge of different PPP models. Additionally, it also landscaped local PPPs in place in Pakistan that could not be included in the systematic review due to lack of rigorous evaluation. This work was carried out by the Aga Khan University’s Department of Community Health Sciences and supported by the Research Advocacy Fund of the British Council Pakistan, funded by DFID-AusAID.

PPP Review Report 
PPP Review Policy Brief​

Nutrition Political Economy, Pakistan

Shehla Zaidi, Zulfiqar Bhutta, Shandana Khan Mohmand and Andres Mejia Acosta

Undernutrition rates in Pakistan have remained unchanged for over half a century. Success in tackling under-nutrition relies on cross-sectoral action across health, food, agriculture, poverty, water and sanitation. A recent positive momentum has involved loose inter-sector coalitions in the provinces supported by international development partners. However, weak understanding of nutrition, low ownership, minimal allocations, siloed working of sectors and lack of effective homegrown coalitions constrain meaningful action. Pakistan requires political championing by the executive leadership, central convening structures in the provinces and common policy and monitoring frameworks. The reports are based on the study 'The Political Economy of Under-Nutrition in Pakistan'. The authors highlight challenges faced for mainstreaming nutrition as an inter-sectoral development priority and provide strategic recommendations using Acosta and Fanzo’s nutrition governance framework.

These works were carried out by the Aga Khan University’s Division of Women & Child Health and Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex and  funded by the UK government’s Department for International Development.

Political Economy Under Nutrition  Sindh Report​
Political Economy Under Nutrition  Balochistan Report
Political Economy Under Nutrition  Punjab Report
Political Economy Under Nutrition Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Report​