Other Resources

The library has below mentioned resources. Some of them are free to all, some are password protected. For access related information, please contact library.

African Portal

The Africa Portal​​ is an online knowledge resource for policy-related issues on Africa.  the Africa Portal offers open access to a suite of features including an online library collection, a resource for opinion and analysis, an experts directory, an international events calendar and a mobile technology component — all aimed to equip users with research and information on Africa’s current policy issues.​

HINARI is an initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) that is providing free access to over 3,000 biomedical and other related social sciences journals to institutions in developing countries. Access to the HINARI resources is password controlled. Please contact the library for details

AKU Intranet
The AKU Intranet provides access to Aga Khan University, Karachi library resources. This includes access to the catalogue of the library's holdings i.e. books, journals etc. The intranet also provides direct links to their journals with online access.

American Medical Association
The American Medical Association (AMA) provides ten scientific journals without charge to developing nations. The titles include: The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA); Archives of Dermatology; Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery; Archives of General Psychiatry; Archives of Internal Medicine; Archives of Neurology; Archives of Ophthalmology; Archives of Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery; Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and Archives of Surgery.

Best of Science
The Best of Science is a free-access scientific publication of preprints and peer-reviewed articles. It is publishing in five major fields split in thousands of special areas: Exact Sciences, Technologies, Biological Sciences, Medical Sciences and Human Sciences. Best of Science authors pay for the publishing process of papers and preprints. Fees are low and especially adapted to respond to the geographical origins of the authors. Papers can be published one week after reception. Access to the journal is free.

BioMed Central (Open Access Publisher)
BioMed Central is an independent publishing house committed to providing immediate open access to peer-reviewed biomedical research. Publisher of 183 peer-reviewed open access journals.

British Medical Journal Publishing
The electronic version of the British Medical Journals (BMJ) Publishing group' 28 specialist journals including Evidence-based journals. These are freely accessible to anybody in the 100 poorest countries in the world. Users should follow the standard subscription procedure as the BMJ subscription system will automatically recognise the origin of access.

Cancer.gov is a free to search abstract database from the US National Cancer Institute.

Combined Health Information Database
Combined Health Information Database (CHID) is a bibliographic database produced by health-related agencies of the US Government. This database provides titles, abstracts, and availability information for health information and health education resources. Coverage includes AIDS, Cancer and Health Promotion & Education. CHID lists a wealth of health promotion and education materials and program descriptions that are not indexed elsewhere.

Free Books 4 Doctors
The AMEDEO Group is now making many important medical textbooks available online, free and in full-text via Free Books 4 Doctors. In 2003, 650 titles were included in the service, sorted by specialty and title. It also provides a free alert service as new titles are added.

Free Medical Journals
The Free Medical Journals site is dedicated to the promotion of free access to medical journals over the Internet. In 2004 it included over 1370 full-text journals sorted by subject, language, and title, as well as highlight free journals with high impact factors. There is also a mailing list to alert you as new free journals are added to their list.

MedicalStudent.com is described as a digital library of authoritative medical information for all students of medicine. It is meant to serve as a "pico portal" for users interested in quality medical resources on the Internet. Contains over 250 medical textbooks arranged alphabetically in topics from Anatomy to Urology. Each textbook included is free to use, in part or in whole.

Online Access to Research in the Environment (OARE)
Online Access to Research in the Environment an international public-private partnership that provides developing nations access to one of the world's largest collections of natural and environmental science research. Subjects covered include, sciences (general), statistics, computers and modeling (environmental), education and library science, microbiology, biochemistry and other biosciences, natural disasters, pollution and environmental toxicology etc.

PubMed Central​
PubMed  Central a free archive of life sciences journals. PMC is the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. All the articles in PMC are free (sometimes on a delayed basis).​