Women, work and the will to lead (GE)
Self-defence 101 (CL)
Safe teaching and learning environments (TL)
Spiritual wellness (CL)
Healthy relationships (CL)
The art of digital storytelling (TL)
Experience engineering (CL)
Financial literacy 101 (CL)
Design recipe for an ideal student space: what are the ingredients? (TL)
English for academic study at university: bridging the gap between language levels and needs (TL)
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Women, wellness, & sports by Sana Mir
Student centeredness in university design by Wasif Rizvi
Networking breakfast with mentors
Being young in Pakistan by Adil Najam
Student centred design for academic spaces (TL)
Gender equity in university design (GE)
Students as partners: preparing future leaders (CL)
Living well: viewing the world from different lens (CL)
Career in science and technology in Pakistan: dream, mirage or horizon? (GE)
Exploring an entrepreneurial approach to student learning and impact (TL)
Students and civic responsibility (CL)
Incorporating humanities in higher education (TL)
Campus safety: what’s New on the horizon? (CL)
Centre stage talks
Student theatre performance
Short film screenings
Drum circle
Full programme schedule