Metabolomics Book Club

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14th April


On the 14th of  April 2022, from 12:00-1:00 pm, the Section of Chemical Pathology; Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine hosted a Book Club  at the Soparivala building. In the beginning of the activity, director introduced the structure of the book club and the cover of the book.  The participants were seated in a small room and read a pre-selected book on metabolomics in a circle. New knowledge gained was discussed between readings. The first chapter “Introduction to Metabolomics" of the book titled “Metabolomics: From Fundamentals to Clinical Applications" was read aloud in circle and discussed in depth. Discussion on various techniques and methods of metabolomics and their sensitivities and specificities was done. The group identified potential research areas on metabolomics between readings​.


Debate on Techniques and methods of metabolomics
Identification of potential research areas on metabolomics
Novel information of metabolomics was disseminated to all on a same level
All participants enjoyed this novel approach of teaching and besides discussion on science it promoted a love for books and a positive attitude towards reading. 
It was agreed that Chapter 2 will be read in the next book club in May.

​12th May​


On the 12th of May 2022, from 12:00-1:00 pm, the Section of Chemical Pathology; Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine hosted a Book Club at the University Centre building. The second session emulated the energy of the initial session, the readers engaged in perusing the second chapter of the same book: Collection and Preparation of Clinical Samples for Metabolomics. Eight to ten readers indulged in an hour-long discussion on the fundamentals of metabolomics related to non-specific samples received in the clinical laboratory. Types of samples and testing techniques were discussed by the consultants, residents, and biogenetics lab scientists in attendance, who took turns to read aloud the pages and actively discussed the important aspects of metabolomics related to sampling in real-time.​​

Discussion on 

Non-specific samples received in the clinical laboratory
Types of samples and testing techniques
Important aspects of metabolomics related to sampling in real-time.​

​At the end of each session the group of readers summarized reading, shared their experiences, made predictions, and clarified difficult and new concepts of metabolomics. Novel information of metabolomics was disseminated to all on a same level. All participants enjoyed this novel approach of teaching and besides discussion on science it promoted a love for books and a positive attitude towards reading. The metabolomics book club has allowed participants to have a deeper understanding of the book and metabolomics' application to service, education and research.​