Academic Programmes

The Department of Family Medicine is actively involved in the following academic and training initiatives:

Postgraduate Medical Education

The Family Medicine residency programme, was the first of its kind in the country, and is considered amongst the best postgraduate training programmes, nationally and regionally. Fellows/residents trained through the programme are in high demand in the country and abroad. The programme stresses on both clinical and community health competencies. In addition to curative care, it includes preventive, promotive and rehabilitative medicine. The care of families, treatment of acute medical conditions and control of infectious diseases form an important core of the training. It is a four year training program which combines in-patient and out-patient experiences in a variety of primary and subspecialty clinical disciplines. Read more…

Undergraduate Medical Education

Medical students in the MBBS pro​gram​me have family medicine rotations in the third and fifth year of their training. The departmental faculty and the students aim to develop an understanding and practice of the concepts of family medicine. Along with the teaching sessions, they are attached in the clinics with Faculty and Medical Officers.  They also attend clinics in the wider community.