​Pecha Kucha: Learn and Engage Through the Storytelling Method 

​Pecha Kucha, the Japanese term for the sound of conversation (“chit chat”), began in Tokyo in 2003.  Based on the desire to ‘show more and talk less, the Pecha Kucha 20x20 is a creative yet simple visual presentation format where a presenter shows 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically, and the presenter talks along with them. Pecha Kucha aims to provide opportunities for participants to share their ideas, messages, stories, and reflections in an engaging, creative, succinct way with the audience in an informal manner. We invite faculty, students, and staff to share their recorded stories on scholarly work, classroom innovations, personal reflections, or anecdotal narratives related to reimagining teaching and learning in a Covid-19 world.

View Pecha Kucha Stories here​

Click here for more Pecha Kucha Stories​

Tell us which Pecha Kucha Stories did you watch? Which video did you like the most and why? Share with us one take-away message from that video. Post your responses on Padlet Wall​