Introducing AKU’s Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan presented in this document is the result of intensive consultation across the University as well as analyses of the global, regional and local operating environments for higher education and healthcare, ensuring that it reflects the input of diverse stakeholders and is tailored to the specific needs and challenges of the communities we serve.

AKU, over the next half-decade, will expand its academic offerings, launching close to a dozen new degree programmes in fields ranging from data sciences to teacher education. We will build new research capacity in fields such as mental health and climate change. Make AKU a leader in data sciences in East Africa and Pakistan. Rapidly reduce our carbon emissions and share knowledge to help others do so.”

Dr Sulaiman Shahabuddin, President and Vice Chancellor

Message from the President


Strategic Framework

Based on consultations, seven components form the strategic framework that determines AKU’s direction.


Quality and Breadth
of Education


Knowledge Creation
and Dissemination

Learning Healthcare Systems in buildings

Partnerships and Collaborations


and Growth


Environmental Protection
and Stewardship

Leveraging Data Science
and Technologies