​​Work Study Programme (WSP)

The fund also supports the Work Study Programme (WSP). This programme provides students opportunities to work on-campus as part of projects and programmes within the University. It allows students to make use of their free time during summer and winter holidays, gain experience, develop transferable skills, boost their resumés and earn extra money. Students can apply for part-time jobs on campus, primarily in Pakistan, during their summer or winter holidays to make extra money or to support themselves.​



​​Refer to this link to see the positions currently being offered. Please note that they are subject to change as per availability.​


  • An active student in full-time undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate degree-seeking academic programmes at AKU.
  • Good academic and disciplinary standing.
  • Students who complete the online Application Form shared by the Office of Student Experience.


  • A student having a record of academic or disciplinary misconduct.
  • Students with unsatisfactory performance in their previous experience as part of WSP.



Application CycleApplication TimelinesJoining TimeDisbursement of Funds
SummerApril – JulyJuly – AugustSeptember – October
WinterDecemberJanuary – FebruaryMarch – April

​WSP jobs may not be available at certain times and on all campuses. Application timelines vary for different positions, do check out your emails and the Office of Student Experience Pakistan's (OSEP) website for details.


  • Office of Student Experience circulates an online application form via email as and when such an opportunity arises, particularly before summer and winter breaks. Refer to this link to see the positions currently being offered. Please note that they are subject to change as per availability.
  • Students must complete and submit the online application form.
  • They must include the academic calendar to provide evidence of their availability and that their academics will not be affected in any way.
  • Applications are then shared with the concerned departments/functions.
  • Personnel from the employing department(s) conducts interviews of the shortlisted applicants and select students based on their internal assessment criteria.



  • All applicants are notified about the outcome of their applications​
  • The following documents are required to be submitted by the incumbent to the OSEP office for the processing of their funds:
  • Complete Supplier ID Form (to be provided by OSEP representative).
  • Copy of CNIC and Cheque Book Leaf for processing payments.
  • Attendance log/job completion notification from your supervisor (to be sent directly to the OSEP office).
  • Student Experience staff forwards the requisite information to Finance and Purchasing to facilitate the creation of the student's supplier ID.
  • Once the Supplier ID is created, Student Experience staff generates a Request of Payment (ROP) against the student's supplier ID.
  • Payment is transferred to the student's bank account within 30 working days after approval of submitted documents.

​Funds will only be transferred to the student's bank accounts. There will be no cash handling at any point during this process.


  • Students may not work more than 145 hours per academic year.
  • All students receiving funds through the WSP must comply with the taxation requirements as per the law as applicable.
  • Student must first be registered and provided a Supplier ID for electronic funds transfer.
  • The respective student must provide their identification documents, information for possible tax deductions, bank account details, and any other requested information on time. Failure to do so may result in delay or cancellation of funding approval.​