​Educational Development an​d Improvement Programme​

A programme to complement the efforts of the government in Gilgit-Baltistan to enhance access and equity and improve the quality and relevance of education in the region.
  • Duration: 2010 - 2015
  • Target area: Gilgit-Baltistan​
  • Funding organisation: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
  • Implementer: AKU-IED's Professional Development Centre, North along with other AKDN partners
Through the Educational Development an​d Improvement Programme​ (EDIP) we:
  • provided high quality accredited professional development for teachers, teacher educators, head teachers, education managers and others​ in order to build leadership and strengthen their ability to become change-agents within their institutions.​​

  • assisted education managers to re-think their roles and responsibilities as ‘pedagogical leaders’ and  supported them in engaging the community at large in taking an active role in promoting quality education in the region.

  • provided opportunities for creating networking among teachers, teacher educators, head teachers and education managers, and schools and other educational institutions to share experiences and develop coordination and synergies to amplify and sustain the impact of the development initiatives.

  • helped the government to review and realign its education strategy with the regional development priorities.

Click here for a quick overview of the programme.