Mweru Mwingi

Assistant Professor

Academic Coordinator CELL

Telephone: 255 (0)22 2150051


Dr Mweru Mwingi joined IED,EA as a lecturer in January 2007


PhD, Rhodes University, South Africa
Master of Education, Rhodes University, South Africa
Bachelor of Education, Christchurch College Canterbury, United Kingdom

Current areas of teaching

Education Leadership and Management
Gender in Education

Research interests

Teacher Leadership
Gender in Education 
Teachers Professional Development and Training
Education Leadership and Managemnt and Girls Educaton


Assistant Professor and Academic Coordinator of the Centre for Education and Lifelong Learning (CELL)

Professional associations

International Study of Teacher Leadership


Mwingi, M. (2022), From Manuscript to Publication: The Journey of a Children’s Storybook. In J.P. Lugalla., Mtenzi F.J. & Andema. S. (Eds.), Rethinking Teacher Education (pp. 215-231), Mkuki na Nyota

Abdalla, M., Mwingi, M.P, Wachira, N., Okoko, J & Webber, C. (2020),  Contextualising School Leadership Preparation in Tanzania. In Moorosi, P.  & Bush, T. (Eds.), Preparation of School Leaders in Africa, London: Bloomsbury

Iffat, F., Kavuma, C., Mwingi, M. and Orwe, O. (2009), Where are the Gaps? HIV and AIDS and Gender Pre-service Teacher Training Curriculum and Practices in East Africa, London: Commonwealth Secretariat

Conference papers

Pedagogical Choices that Support the Development of Teaching Competencies among Graduate Students , 3rd  SoTL Conference, Karachi, November, 2020

Re-examining the Second Chance: Analysis of the Effectiveness of Re-entry Policy in Supporting Teen Mothers Complete their Education, Nairobi, Kenya, National Education Conference,  April, 2019 [with Fridah Njeru]

The Re-entry Policy on Teenage Pregnancy in Practice: The Challenges, Constraints and Opportunities, SESEA Learning & Dialogue Conference, Mombasa, Kenya ,March, 2017 [with Fridah Njeru]

The Integration of Gender in Teaching and Learning: Learnings from Selected Courses a AKU-IED, EA, SESEA Learning & Dialogue Conference, Mombasa, Kenya , March, 2017

Gender Responsive School Leadership: Seizing Opportunities Amidst Challenges at the Annual KEPSHA Conference , Kwale, Kenya ,April, 2017

Working towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 through the Development and use of Gender-focused Mother Tongue Storybooks in Lower Primary School: An action Research Project in Rural Northwest Uganda, National Conference on Strengthening the ECD Landscape, Kampala - Uganda ,July, 2017 [with Shelley Jones, Royal Roads University]

Created on:04/26/2016 Last modified:08/02/2022
