Urogynaecology and pelvic floor disorders and fistula

Site of Rotation:

AKUH/Rationale: This rotation is designed to enable the M.Med resident to acquire advanced knowledge and skills in managing urogynaecological and pelvic floor conditions. This will run concurrently with normal on call and other clinical responsibilities.

Objectives of the rotation: 

  1. To diagnose and manage common bladder and pelvic floor disorders.

  2. Perform simple bladder repair and prolapse surgery including vaginal hysterectomy.. 

  3. Recognise and involve other specialities in the management of complex urological and pelvic floor disorders including fistula and ureteric injuries.

Duration of Rotation: 

8 weeks Supervisors of Residents: 

Evaluation of Residents: 

The Residents’ learning log shall be maintained and will guide formal feedback as well as in-depth sharing of learning experiences between faculty and each individual resident. They will be attached to a named faculty during the 8 weeks and are expected to attend clinics, theatres and urodynamics sessions under supervision.

Evaluation of Rotation by Resident: 

Residents will be required to make a formal write-up based on the objectives of the rotation that summarises there experience at the end of each rotation.