​Resident Academic Achievements


  1. Ali SK, Ochola A, Juma F, Daroowalla F. Using CIRUPA to help foster communication with families about brain death in Sub-Saharan Africa. Indian J Palliative Care 2019;25:162-4

  2. Ali SK, Abdulkarim S. Treatment of Anal Cancer Pain – A Case Report. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.​ 2018; 56(1):e1-e2

  3. Orare K, Nambafu J, Mwanzi S, Ali SK. Pregabalin for Treatment of Docetaxel Related Hand-Foot Syndrome. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2019​

  4. Abdulkarim S, Otieno F, Ali SK. Adult Still's disease triggered by pregnancy, Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings 2019​

Oral Presentations:

  1. Said M.  Acute Coronary syndromes presentation at Kenya Cardiac Society. February 2019.

  2. Said M.  Role of Digoxin in Heart Failure at the NCD Academy inter-university debate.  Nakuru, November 2018

  3. Said M. Secondary Hypertension: A case of dual adrenal tumors, Case report Presentation at Kenya Physician Association Conference.  Mombasa, March 2018

Poster/Abstract Presentations:

  • Marete J, Abdulkarim S, Waweru B, Gachango J, Mushani T, Ali SK. Topical Morphine for Malignant Neck Wounds. KEPHCA October 2018

  • Nambafu J, Sokhi D, Malkit R. Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures in sickle cell crises: 2 case reports.  Joint Congress of the Neurological Association of South Africa and the 2nd African Academy of Neurology, East London ICC, South Africa, February 2019.