Doctorate of Philosophy, Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2014
Masters of Arts, Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2009; Post Graduate Diploma, Human Resource Management, Uganda Management Institute, Kampala, Uganda, 2007
Bachelor of Arts, Linguistics, English Language Studies, and Political Science, Makerere University Kampala, Uganda
Regmi, K.D., Andema, S. & Asselin, M. (2020). Literacy for Self-Reliance: A Critical Exploration of Nyerere’s Legacy in Tanzanian Education Policies. International Review of Education. 66, 53–74. (H-index 38; Impact score 325)
Ssentanda, M., & Andema, S. (2019). Reclaiming the Space for Storytelling in Ugandan Primary Schools. Per Linguam: A Journal of Language Learning. 35(3), 74-91. doi:
Andema, S., Kendrick, M., & Norton, B. (2013). Digital Literacy in Ugandan Teacher Education: Insights from a case study. Reading & Writing Journal, 4(1), 8 pages
Andema, S. (2001). Carrying out Literacy to the Youth in Crises Areas: The case of Alternative Basic Education in Karamoja (ABEK) in Uganda. In Arua Arua (Ed.). Reading for All in Africa: Building Communities where Literacy Thrives, Washington: International Reading Association – IRA. (ISBN: 0-87207-516-8 | 516-553 |)
Book Chapters:
Ross, D., Abiria M.D., Alumaya D., Andema, S., & Oroma. (2022). Middle Level Teacher Education in Uganda: Reclaiming your past, identifying your present, and imagining your future. In Ellerbrock, R.C., Main, M.K., Virtue C.D (Eds). (Forth coming). Middle level teacher preparation across international contexts: Understanding local and global factors influencing teacher education. Routledge Tailor & Francis Group.
Books Edited:
Lugalla, J.L.P., Mtenzi, F. & Andema, S. (Eds.) (2022). Rethinking Teacher Education: Improvement, Innovation and Change. Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers. ISBN978 9987 08490 6
Blakings, Andema, S., Farojalla, S., Moyya, E., Yoasa, M. B. (2009) Unified Standards Orthography of Madi-Moro and (Tialu) Languages, CASAS. Cape Town
Parry, K., Andema, S., & Tumusiime, L. (Eds.). (2005). Teaching Reading in African Schools. Kampala: Fountain Publishers. ISBN 9970 02 520 1.
Miscellaneous Contributions:
Andema, S. (2014). Promoting digital literacy in African education: ICT Innovations in a Ugandan Primary Teachers’ College, and Two Schools. PhD dissertation, University of British Columbia
Andema, S. (2009). Digital Literacy and Teacher Education in Uganda: The Case of Bondo Primary Teachers’ College (PTC). (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from
Andema, S., Kendrick, M., & Norton, B. (2010). ICT, Cultural Knowledge, and Teacher Education in Africa. In F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec, & C. Ess (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication 2010 (pp. 450–457). Murdoch, Australia: Murdoch University
Other Contributions:
Norton, B., Early, M., Andema, S. (August 2009). Local Knowledge, Digital Literacy and Teacher education in East Africa: the case of Uganda. A symposium paper presented to the Pan-African Reading for All Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Andema, S. (August 2009). The Role of Professional Organizations in Reading Promotion in Africa: the case of International Reading Association’s International Development Coordinating Committee – Africa
Andema, S., Early, M., Erickson, L., Kendrick, M., Norton, B., Oates, L., & Williams, C.J., B. Norton, S. (May 2009). Digital Literacy and Language Education: Lessons from Uganda. Investigating Our Practices, UBC, Vancouver, BC
Andema, S. (August 2007). The History and Role of International Reading Association’s International Development Coordinating Committee
Andema, S. (August 2005). Children’s Reading Tents and Reading Culture Promotion in Uganda
Andema, S. (September 2001). Carrying out Literacy to the Youth in Crises Areas: The case of Alternative Basic Education in Karamoja (ABEK) in Uganda